Hino Rei
Rei (Sailor Mars) is one of my very favorite seshi. I want to be able to do the cool post-it-note-get-rid-of-demons trick.
Most of the images you will find here will be of Rei, and the outer scouts. Sure, I like the inners but the outers are my personal favorites. Also I plan on having mostly manga pics, I find them much more beautiful that anime pics.
Outer Scouts
I will have links to information sites here, as well as more pictures when time permits.
The Cats
I must admit I really like the kitties of Sailor Moon. I love the pics of them as humans, espically the one from the movie where Luna turns into a human. Ok, ok so I can rember right now if it was R or S, but just look at how beautiful the manga pic is.
That is all for now, I know not much, but look for updates soon, I promise.